
Not for Profit

As well as our advocacy role, in 2022-23 Senderos gave 1.35% of turnover / 8.33% of net profit to charitable causes. You can see more info in our first Impact Report (see Sustainability page).

Some amazing organisations we work with and admire are…

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LATA Foundation

The Latin America travel industry is working together to support social projects throughout the region. These projects are helping to transform lives, providing clean water, dental or medical support and practical training to provide people with new skills in Mexico, Central and South America. The LATA Foundation was set up by the Latin America Travel Association, bringing together tourist boards, airlines, tour operators, hotels, ground agents, travel publishers, PR companies and the press to put something back into the countries where we all work. Nicola is heavily involved and co chair, Simon was one of the founding trustees of the Foundation, and we are great admirers of their work. www.latafoundation.org

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The Long Run

Senderos have been affiliate members of the Long Run since 2018. We think they are simply fantastic and have been an important source of inspiration for us. TLR is ‘a membership organisation of nature-based tourism businesses committed to driving sustainability. The community is global in scope and growing. The aim is to maintain a healthy and productive planet for posterity. Collectively we aspire to conserve 20 million acres of biodiversity & improve the life of two million people by 2020. We seek to support, connect & inspire nature-based businesses to excel in following the highest standards of sustainability encompassing ConservationCommunityCulture and Commerce (4Cs)’ www.thelongrun.org

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The Conscious Travel Foundation

Senderos are a proud Founding Member of TCTF which “is a global community, uniting members of the travel industry to reshape the impact of tourism on the world. We believe in the power of education and collaboration to fuel a shift in industry practice, igniting change and safeguarding the planet for future generations.”

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Friends of Alalay

Friends of Alalay works with Bolivian street children who are supported by the Alalay Foundation “offering them love, a home, education and encouragement in their future working lives. We finance educational and self-financing projects: helping street children to help themselves. Every donation goes directly to the children and nothing is spent on administration.” www.alalay.co.uk

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ECOAN is a  not for profit organisation that aims to preserve:  Peruvian species of flora and fauna in danger of extinction, threatened ecosystems, wetlands and migratory birds. It does so by working together with  local communities to protect biological diversity and promote the sustainable use of natural resources. www.ecoanperu.org

In a country where tourism is so important, ECOAN sets up ways that local communities can benefit from tourism while at the same time preserving the very habitat and wildlife that attracts the tourists  in the first place.

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The Huaorani People of Ecuador

For at least a thousand years, the Amazonian rainforest of Ecuador, the Oriente, has been home to the Huaorani.  Until 1956, they had never had any contact with the outside world. The Huaorani comprise almost 4,000 inhabitants and speak the Huaorani language not known to be related to any other language. In the last 40 years, they have shifted from a hunting and gathering society to live mostly in permanent forest settlements. However, as many as five communities – the Tagaeri, the Huiñatare, the Oñamenane, and two groups of the Taromenane – have rejected all contact with the outside world and continue to move into more isolated areas.

For many years Senderos was proud to be involved with the joint venture Huaorani Ecolodge (part owned by the community), and on 3 visits we got to know some of the tribal leaders of Quehueri’ono.  We have been proud in a very small way to try to support this amazing culture. Visitors have the opportunity to see the Amazon through the eyes of the people who live there, and to help them survive and maintain independence chiefly from the pressures of oil and timber.

For more information Wikipedia, we highly recommend Joe Kane’s book Savages and also see http://www.waorani.com/

Jaguar Rescue Centre, Puerto Viaje, Costa Rica

Simon visited this amazing project in late 2018 and was simply blown away by the amazing work they do. The scale of the problem especially with regards to uninsulated power cables is truly terrible and its heartbreaking to see first hand the damage and trauma inflicted on arboreal species like monkeys and sloths. Thank you to these amazing volunteers! www.jaguarrescue.foundation